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Cavitation Surgery - 1 Week Post Op

It has been almost a week since my Cavitation Surgery last Thursday. I am not going to lie, it has been an intense week. 

The recovery overall has been much harder then I had anticipated. I went into the surgery feeling pretty strong. Overall I have been feeling 80% better, especially thanks to Thymus Therapy. I know that this feeling of being set back is temporary as I recover from the actual surgery, but its still frustrating. 

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Cavitation Surgery For Lyme

Surgery is probably one of the last things you think of for Lyme treatment, but unfortunately it can be a key piece in recovery. I am going to be having cavitaition surgery on Thursday, and honestly I am not looking forward to it one bit. 

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Ten Pass Ozone

I had the opportunity to try the Hyperbaric Multi-dose Ozone therapy today, which is commonly known as a Ten-Pass.  The Ten-Pass takes blood out of your body, oxygenates it with ozone and puts it back into your body. This happens 10 times, hence the name Ten-Pass.

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Sunscreen: Friend or Foe?

With summer comes a lot of sun, and with sun often comes a lot of sunscreen. But is your sunscreen safe? Are you doing more harm to your body then good by slathering on the sunscreen? 

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10 Things You Need To Know About Lyme Today

Lyme is the fastest growing vector borne disease with over 329,000 new cases a year in the US alone. Do you know the facts about Lyme to stay safe? 

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Do You Know Your Beef?

Lets focus on beef. Do you know what you are eating when you bite into your juicy steak? Organic grass fed beef is definitely the best kind of beef you should be eating, but do you know why?  

First lets start with understanding what grass fed beef really is. The USDA defines grass fed meat as cows fed grass or mothers milk for its entire life. It does not however specify that the grass has to be fresh, which leads to a whole slew of variables which can include cows that are kept in pens and fed dry grass/hay, some of which could be GMO's!  To make things worse, if the beef is not organic it could be getting hormones and antibiotics as well. 

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What's Really In Your Tea?

Are you a daily tea drinker like I am? We all hear how good tea can be for us to give us energy, help us detox and support our digestion, but do you really know whats in your tea? Many of the popular tea brands out there claim to provide health benefits but can also be full of pesticides, toxins, artificial ingredients and even GMOs! 

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Broken By Lyme Disease

Lyme is a sneaky bastard. It comes on when you think you are strong and invincible and it completely shatters you.

It takes ahold of your perfect little life and breaks it into a million pieces on the ground.

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What To Do If You Think You Might Have Lyme?

There are so many people who live their daily lives with all sorts of weird symptoms, that they can’t quite put a finger on it. Perhaps you have been to various doctors and no one can figure out whats wrong. Perhaps your symptoms come and go and are so varied that you don’t think they are connected in anyway. Since they come and go you are not quite sure what to make of it and if its really caused by one thing or if you are just tired. Your body is stiff and achey but you think that is just a part of “getting old” or a result of an old injury. Your mind is not as sharp as it used to be, but you know you are under constant stress and brush it off. Perhaps your doctor has told you that you have some sort of Autoimmune Disease but they are not quite sure exactly what and the labs you have done don’t confirm anything. Perhaps your doctor has told you its all in your head and prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. Perhaps your doctor has told you that all your labs look perfect and that there is nothing wrong with you, but you know there is something wrong. Well maybe you have Lyme Disease and your regular doctor or specialist is not going to diagnose you with it.

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Dear Bartender...

Dear Bartender, I am the girl that I ordered the Plymouth Gin and Soda with lots of lime the other night. You seemed really cool and offered to give me some lime that was already squeezed. Before I agreed and could finish asking my questions you were already pouring it in my drink and I could not stop you fast enough. You see, I wanted to ask you if it was fresh squeeze lime before you poured it in my drink, but everything happened so fast.

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Why I Have Not Made It To Your Social Events Or Project Meetings For The Past 3 Years...

Most of my friends and professional colleagues don’t know that I have been battling Chronic Lyme Disease + Co-Infections, Heavy Metal Toxicity and Multiple Autoimmune Diseases for the past 3+ years. Most don’t know that I have been getting IV’s every week since June 2014. Most don’t know that I take 94+ pills/supplements/tinctures per day. Most don’t know that I have 4-5 hours of detox appointments multiple times a week in addition to all the IVs, Doctors appointments, blood tests and wellness appointments just to feel somewhat human and try and get better. Most people don't know that I recently had a procedure that filtered ALL of my blood in order to try and kill Lyme and remove Heavy Metals from my body. Most people don’t know that I have spent over 1 year trying to kill Lyme Disease and get better and am still not fully healed.

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Lyme + Tick Prevention Tips

Prevention is key when it comes to staying safe from Ticks and Lyme Disease. Keep in mind that Ticks that transmit Lyme and Co-Infections can be as tiny as a poppy seed and can be very difficult to spot like in the photo for this blog post. Those are Nymph Ticks on someones hand. How are you ever supposed to find one of them on you and keep it from getting you sick? They jump onto you and find a safe place to feed for days and transmit whatever infections they are carrying. Some studies show ticks only need to be attached for an hour or less to transmit infection.

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IV Therapy

IV Therapy has been a large part of my healing. I get IV’s weekly to help support my detox from Heavy Metals, kill Lyme and supplement my bodies vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the key IV’s I have been getting on my journey that I feel are really making a difference.

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Healing Modalities + Diagnosis

My path to healing has led me through various diagnosis as well as healing modalities. The following are conditions which I have experienced as well as various healing modalities I can share my experience about.

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What Were My Lyme Symptoms?

This was my list of symptoms that I gave to doctors right around the time of my Lyme Diagnosis. I was experiencing all of these symptoms and no one could figure out what it was until we discovered Lyme. Fortunately as I have been treating a lot of these symptoms have resolved. I still struggle with the cognitive and neurological symptoms though. I want my brain to work more then anything and that is the last symptom to get better.

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Just Diagnosed With Lyme, Now What?

What do you do when you just find out you have Lyme?It can all be very overwhelming but the first thing you should do is take a deep breath. Chances are you have been having lots of strange health issues for some time now and a part of you is relieved that you have an answer and a diagnosis, but the other part is freaking out and not wanting to believe you really have Lyme. Relax, this is normal.

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Hi! Welcome to The Trail To Health. There are many reasons I have started this blog...I believe everything happens for a reason, and there is a reason I have been on my path to be here today.

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Gluten In Your Mouthguard Or Retainer? Say What?

I am hoping this post will help someone else on their gluten journey. I am Celiac and maintain a very, very strict gluten free diet. I never cheat on gluten, I check every ingredient, pill and cosmetic that will come near me. Our entire home is 100% gluten free and my dog is even gluten free so there is no risk of cross contamination at home. I barely eat out and if I do its at a select few restaurants that I know are safe or 100% Gluten Free.

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How To Take A Detox Bath

Detox baths can be a great little evening ritual to supplement your healing.  I personally really like taking one at the end of the day to help relax and also detox a bit before bed. 

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