How The Ixcela Gut Test Can Help You Improve Your Entire Health


One of the most important (and often overlooked) aspects of health is the gut. The gut is essentially a second brain that interacts with our immune system, digestive system, hormones, cognitive function, energy levels, and emotional wellbeing. Many of us know when something is off; we have stomach issues, fatigue, and overall lower energy, but we don’t know why. Scientists and health experts agree — your gut has something to do with it.

I’m sharing all about why your gut is so vital, and how the Ixcela gut test can help you stay healthy. Which, we all really need to focus on, especially right now when health is so critical.

First, let’s pull a Magic School Bus and go on a field trip through the gut. (I promise, it’s super fascinating!)

The Importance of Gut Health

Why is gut health important? You might think that what’s happening in your intestines and digestive system starts and stops there, but that’s not the case. Your gut health is vital to your overall well being and immune system. Right now (more than ever!) We all know how important it is to keep our immunity strong.

So, what is the gut aside from the place where your food digests?

The gut (gastrointestinal tract) is a vital organ in the human body. This is where our food goes, digests, transforms into energy, sugar, carbs, or fat. It’s easy to consume food and not think about what’s happening inside the gut, but it’s super important. Here’s why.

Inside the Microbiome

The microbiome is a network that contains tons of microorganisms (I’m talking trillions). These tiny little microorganisms live in the body as both good and bad bacteria. These guys spread throughout the body, but there’s a high concentration of them living in the gut.

This is your gut microbiome. In this space, bad bacterias can accumulate and lead to medical issues like IBS, diabetes, and obesity. But here’s the kicker (and why everyone’s taken note of the gut in recent years) the medical issues aren’t isolated to the gut.

In other words, poor gut health can breach the walls of the digestive system and wreak havoc throughout the body; leading to cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, etc. Bottom line: when the gut freaks out, bad things happen.

That’s why it’s crucial to stay connected and in line with your gut health.

What Is The Ixcela Gut Test?

Ixcela is an at-home test that analyzes metabolites and markers in your blood to assess your overall gut health. Once you take the test, and your sample is processed, you’ll receive a full analysis plus recommendations for nutrition, supplementation, exercise and lifestyle adjustments to optimize your overall health.

What Are Metabolites And Why Do They Matter?

Ixcela uses a tiny pinprick of your blood to analyze specific gut metabolites. It’s important to know the levels of your gut metabolites because they relate directly to all facets of your health, including:

  • Gastrointestinal Fitness (Gut health)

  • Immuno Fitness (Immune health)

  • Cognitive Acuity (Brain function)

  • Emotional Balance

  • Energetic Efficiency (Energy levels)

The Ixcela gut test analyzes 11 metabolites related to five main areas of your health. I’ll briefly cover each modality below:

  1. Indole-3-Propionic Acid (IPA) relates to your brain, heart, and kidney health and is produced by an exclusive gut bacteria. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that relates to healthy brain functioning.

  2. Indole-3-Lactic Acid (ILA) is a tryptophan pathway in the gut that creates antioxidants and neurotransmitters responsible for a healthy brain and gut. It’s in fermented veggies like pickles, and kimchi.

  3. Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) creates neurotransmitters and antioxidants but also converts sugars into lactic acid.

  4. Tryptophan has a bad reputation, but it’s a vital amino acid that helps you maintain a healthy sleep cycle, strong muscles, emotional balance, and a healthy gut. Healthy levels of tryptophan are vital to cognitive function and mood stabilization.

  5. Kynurenine helps produce niacin, which is an essential nutrient for the body to maintain our DNA. In addition, it regulates the immune system and helps produce specific hormones.

  6. Serotonin helps you sleep well, function optimally, have mental clarity and produce neurotransmitters.

  7. Total Indoxyl Sulfate (IDS) is important for healthy muscle and bone cells, and also supports a healthy kidney and heart.

  8. Tyrosine is a building block for neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which help you feel good and regulate moods.

  9. Xanthine is a digestive enzyme in the gut microbiome that helps you break down and digest food.

  10. 3-Methylxanthine is linked to both the brain and gut, and helps with digestion and metabolizing caffeine.

  11. Uric Acid supports healthy digestion but also supports healthy cellular energy.

Now you can see how vital gut health is — it’s directly related to our energy levels, emotions, brain functioning, immune health, and overall well being. Ready to get in touch with your gut? Here’s how the Ixcela gut test can help you.

Ready to take the next step and see how your gut is doing? You have a few options:

Do It Yourself

You can order your own test kit online and get your full report, which requires you to go through and implement the results on your own. The one-time test costs $299, or you can sign up for the Ixcela Complete, a 1-year subscription to track your results as you implement the recommended changes.

The complete program includes your recommended supplements and a re-test every three months. It has a one time set up fee and the initial test kit cost of $369 for the first month and $140 a month after that.

Work With A Pro (Me!)

If you’d like a little more guidance from a pro, you can work with me on my Heal Your Gut & Find Your Perfect Diet Coaching Program! You’ll get a discount on an Ixcela subscription which includes your test and supplements. We will work together to decipher your results and make a game plan for how to implement your recommendations and see changes in your follow up test three months later.

As someone who has taken the Ixcela test myself, learned from their training, and implemented changes on my own, I know first-hand how to work with the results. Together, we’ll make healthy, sustainable changes to support your body and make your results even better the next time you test. 

There’s an added benefit of working with a pro because you’ll get a discount on your subscription. Instead of paying $369 initially, and $140 a month thereafter, you’ll pay $269 to get started and $119 a month. The biggest benefit of working with a pro is that you’ll have one on one access with a coach to help you through each step of the way.

*My coaching program fee doesn’t include the test fee, but if you decide to order Ixcela Pro and Add Coaching I am offering 10% off on my coaching program if you sign up before June 30, 2020

Once You Decide Your Route, Taking The Test Is Easy…

When you get the test, you’ll take an easy sample at home. Simply use the pinprick blood test to collect a small (non-invasive) blood sample. Your blood contains all the metabolites so that’s what will be analyzed.

Mail It In

Put your home sample in the prepaid envelope and drop it in the mail. After that, your blood will be analyzed for all the 11 metabolites. You’ll get updates on the status of your test, and you can hop into your account online to view your test scores.

Follow the Food and Supplement Recommendations

Check out your personalized plan online, which is based on your blood sample. Everyone’s scores will be different, which is why every personalized plan is custom-made to your results. You’ll get food and supplement recommendations based on your levels to improve your gut microbiome.

Based on your scores for the modalities, you’ll follow the regimen and then take another test after three months to see how your levels have improved. It’s literally that simple!

The Easiest Way To Get Your Gut Healthy

The Ixcela gut test is a super simple way to get your gut healthy. Just by taking an easy at-home test, you gain insight into the health of your gut. With that information, you can improve every facet of your wellbeing. You’ll have your scores in hand which means you can follow the steps to improve your diet and nutrition to attain optimal health. The results are seriously transformative. When you get your gut healthy — your whole life and wellbeing follow suit!

Ready To Heal Your Gut?

Are you ready to take the plunge into your gut health and learn how you can optimize your overall health even more? Make sure to sign up before June 30, 2020 and let’s do this together.