The Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms


For centuries, mushrooms have been an integral healing aid in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now, medicinal mushrooms are making waves in the medical world, and not just alternative medicine.

There are over 200 species of medicinal mushrooms, each offering its own healing properties, but how can they help you heal? Mushrooms have therapeutic and medicinal benefits that can improve digestion, treat cancer symptoms, and provide healing from autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses.

Today, I’m sharing the power of adaptogens and the amazing health benefits of medicinal mushrooms!

The Healing Power of Adaptogens

Of all the foods on the planet, medicinal mushrooms are some of the most nutrient-dense. In other words: they are packed with vital nutrients and adaptogens that only 100 foods have. This highly elite class of superfoods are available from Four Sigmatic, a company built on 13 generations of Finnish farmland.

Medicinal mushrooms are immune-boosting adaptogens that fight off viruses, toxic fungi like candida, and bacterial infections. Each mushroom helps the body fight against stressors in order to build up immunity to protect against illness. Adaptogens are incredibly powerful because they equip the adrenal glands with armor against stress triggers that compromise immune strength.

Adaptogens have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic healing and Chinese medicine as medicinal herbs and roots. Some mushrooms can be added to food, while others are brewed into teas, coffee, cacao, protein packs, and even beauty products like body butter and face masks!

The Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Dr. Brenda Powell of the Center for Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine in Cleveland says that adaptogens help by “training your body to handle the effects of stress.” As we all know, stress is a killer and contributes to 90% of illnesses.

Each medicinal mushroom helps with specialized healing functions, whether you need to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, or build up immune strength. Let’s have a look at each of these adaptogens and the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms below.


Known in Chinese medicine as “spirit herb,” Reishi is a holistic medicinal mushroom that balances physical and emotional health. The bioactive properties within Reishi contain active compounds including polysaccharide, hypolipidemic, and triterpenes. These properties kill cancer cells, reduce congestion, and improve sleep. Four Sigmatic’s Reishi tonic balances and harmonizes the body and mind to help you relax.


Chaga is an ancient mushroom that contains healing betulinic acid, as well as melano-glucan. Each of these fungal growths come from birch tree bark. Chaga is used as a tea containing polysaccharides and antioxidant properties that fight cancerous cells, improve digestion, relieve pain, boost immunity, and minimize inflammation.


This healing fungus comes from moth larvae and helps oxygenate cells, reduce fatigue, boost immunity, and protect the body against viral infections. Cordyceps are primarily used to boost energy because they distribute oxygen to cells throughout the body. One study found that Cordyceps improve performance during exercise.

Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicolor)

Named after it’s turkey-tail like appearance, this adaptogen is an antioxidant used to boost immunity. Four Sigmatic uses pure wood-grown Turkey Tail extract as an organic powder you can add to fruits, vegetables, and smoothies.

Lion’s Mane

One of my favorite adaptogens is Lion’s Mane, which is really a powerful elixir that boosts brain functioning. Lion’s Mane is a large mushroom that looks like, well, a lion’s mane! This is a highly versatile adaptogen that you can eat raw, cook with food, or steep in tea. The bioactive compounds in Lion’s Mane have many health benefits; it improves mental clarity, minimizes depression and anxiety, enhances nerve functioning, and cleanses the digestive tract of ulcers.


One of the most widely recognized medicinal mushrooms is shitake. Not only are they a delicious food, but shitake is a holistic anti-aging remedy. Shitake boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, prevents against breast cancer, and also gives you glowing, youthful skin naturally!


Ashwagandha is a shrub containing medicinal roots and fruit that’s been used in medicinal healing for 3,000 years. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps to calm anxiety, protect against lung cancer, minimize stress, prevent memory loss, and help with sleep.

Eleuthero Root

Also called “Siberian Ginseng,” this root is popularly used in Russia and Asia. Eleuthero Root has immune-boosting compounds that stimulate cognitive functioning, physical stamina, energy, and endurance.


In times of stress, Rhodiola is a fragrant root that enhances both physical endurance and mental performance. It’s no wonder the Greeks loved it! Rhodiola assists the adrenal glands in reducing stress hormones so that your immune system can fully protect itself from foreign invaders.

My Favorite Four Sigmatic Products

So, let’s get to the question on everyone’s minds! What if you don’t like the taste of mushrooms? No problem! Most medicinal mushrooms are taken via delicious teas, powders, and coffees. If you’re new to medicinal mushrooms, start out by swapping your morning coffee with the mushroom coffee. If you’re not a coffee drinker, start with the elixirs and simply add hot water. If you are more of a smoothie or shake person, I highly recommend trying the protein powder to first get acquainted with medicinal mushrooms.

Four Stigmatic makes it easy to get your daily fix of nutrient-dense adaptogens. You can even choose whether you need more help during the morning, evening, or both. Use code TRAILTOHEALTH for 10% off.

How Have Mushrooms Helped Me?

I personally have had my life changed with Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane Elixir. I get accidentally glutened more often than I would like since I am so sensitive to cross-contamination. When I get gluten, I get terrible neurological issues including brain fog, anxiety, occipital neuralgia headaches, shakiness, and major fatigue that lasts for seven days.

I have been gluten-free due to Celiac disease since 2012 and had never found anything that works to ease these symptoms. Each time it happens I just endure the symptoms and know that it will pass after a week. That was the way things went until I discovered Four Sigmatic this past year.

When I got glutened, I tried the Lion’s Mane and I coudln’t believe how much it helped relieve my symptoms. The brain fog eased, the anxiety lessened, the headache calmed down and I could actually think to get some work done instead of just laying in bed useless.

Now when I get glutened, I definitely drink it 2-3 times a day to ease my symptoms and I also blend it into my morning coffee every day. I can’t stress enough how much this has changed my life, and how much it can help you, too!

How Do I Get Some Healing Mushrooms?

I order all my elixirs directly from Four Stigmatic on their website where they have a variety to choose from. My favorite products are Lions Mane Elixer and Mushroom Focus Shots, Probiotic Coffee and Chai Latte with Reishi and Turkey Tail. They also make amazing protein shakes and body care products that are so clean you can eat it! Make sure to use code TRAILTOHEALTH for 10% off your order.