Toxic Seed Oils: What they Are and Why You should Avoid Them


We all know that sugar is one of the leading causes of inflammation in our diets. But there’s another more-often overlooked food that’s making us sick: toxic seed oils.  

Seed oils like canola and sunflower oil have long been touted as “heart-healthy” alternatives to saturated fats like butter. They’re also a common ingredient in nut butters and mayo. Maybe you’ve even been cooking with these oils, thinking that you’re doing your body a favor. If so, we need to talk.

What Are Industrial Seed Oils?

Industrial seed oil, or vegetable oil, are products like soybean, corn, safflower, canola and cottonseed oils. You’ll often see these on labels for “natural” snacks and pre-packaged foods. But there’s nothing natural about the way these oils are made! 

How Are Seed Oils Made?

Seed oils are made by gathering the seeds from plants like corn, sunflowers and soybeans, then super-heating them until their fatty acids “oxidize” in a process called “hydrogenation”. The resulting oils are then processed with a petroleum-based solvent and smothered in a chemical cocktail to mask their awful color and smell.

Petroleum? Chemical processing? Gross! I know what you’re thinking: that sounds like toxic waste! Well, it turns out that you’re not far off the mark.

From “Toxic Waste” to Heart-Healthy Cooking Oil

It’s true. Vegetable oil was originally a by-product of Proctor and Gamble’s soap-making process and condemned as “toxic waste”. Then the thrifty soap manufacturers realized they could make a buck by hydrogenating cottonseed oil and passing it off as a cooking oil. 

It wasn’t long before other hydrogenated oils like canola, soybean and sunflower oils hit the shelves. American scientists began singing their praises and advised consuming them in place of “unhealthy” animal-based saturated fats. 

That advice has seeped into our culture’s subconscious so deeply that it’s practically second nature to us. If you want to stay healthy and slim, butter is out. Canola oil is in. But here’s the kicker: none of it’s true. 

Why Seed Oils Are Bad for You

It turns out that much of the “scientific” research on vegetable oils was actually funded by vegetable oil manufacturers. Other scientists based their studies on faulty research or were just plain wrong in their conclusions. 

It’s only now that newer, better science has come to light that we finally see these oils for what they truly are. It’s totally bunk that consuming toxic seed oils will improve your health in any way. And here’s why. 

Seed Oils Are High in Omega-6 Fatty Acid

To keep your body at optimal health, you need to ingest a proper balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Our current western diet is already high enough in Omega-6 fatty acids, and consuming too many of them can trigger your body’s inflammatory response. 

Seed oils are loaded with inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids; that’s bad news for anybody with chronic inflammation. If you’re struggling with an autoimmune flare-up, check the labels of your foods. That canola oil hiding in your mayo might be to blame! 

Seed Oils Are Full of Trans-Fats and Lipid Peroxides

Because of their industrial origins, the polyunsaturated fats in seed oils are incredibly unstable and they “oxidize” when exposed to heat. When that happens, nasty trans-fats and lipid peroxides are infused into your food. 

These harmful substances have been linked from everything to heart disease to DNA damage!

Seed Oils Cause Weight Gain and Heart Disease

The food industry has insisted that seed oils are “heart-healthy” because of their low LDL cholesterol content. But that’s been a total lie. We now know that seed oils actually worsen heart disease because of their inflammatory nature. 

And because seed oils are so high in omega-6 and trans-fats, they’re also a massive trigger for weight gain. You’re almost better off eating butter by the stick. Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But seed oils are still a major culprit for our country’s obesity epidemic. 

What about Margarine?

Margarine, or “vegan butter” as it’s often marketed these days, is solidified vegetable oil. You’ve probably heard it praised over the years as a “heart-healthy” alternative to butter. But it’s the same tired trick all over again.

Margarine is made from the same unnatural hydrogenation process as vegetable oils, and it’s rife with the same inflammatory omega-6s and trans-fats. It’s processed poison. Think about it: margarine is essentially a solidified block of toxic waste. Definitely not something you want to spread on your gluten-free toast. Opt for that grass-fed butter or ghee instead. Your body and tastebuds will be so much happier.

Saturated Fats: Not as Bad as You Thought

In place of unnatural, inflammatory polyunsaturated fats, you’re far better off consuming natural saturated fats. 

Contrary to what you’ve been taught, animal-based saturated fats aren’t bad for you at all. Humans have been consuming animal fats for thousands of years with no ill effects. Grass-fed butter, ghee and lard are rich with naturally occurring vitamins and nutrients. They’re some of the healthiest fats you can eat in moderation, along with monounsaturated fats like olive oil and coconut oil!

I’m also a big fan of Primal Kitchen’s avocado oil-based mayo. It’s free from toxic seed oils and full of healthy fat, so it’s an indulgence that you can feel good about. You can try it for 10% off when you order through the above link!